Frequently Asked Questions

What is Njord - The Autonomous Ship Challenge?

Njord - The Autonomous Ship Challenge is an international student challenge for autonomous vessels.
You can read more about it here.

When will the Challenge be?

The Challenge will take place in week 33 (August) 2024 and last for 2-3 days, depending on the number of teams attending.

Who can join the Challenge?

To participate in the Challenge you, as a team, must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program at a university or college. However, we are also open for Ph.D students being involved.

What is the plan for the 2024 Challenge?

The 2024 Challenge will offer a physical competition as well as a digital one. For the physical challenge, participants will design, build and equip a model ship to be autonomous. Constestants will bring their product to Trondheim to compete against other teams. For the digital competition, participants will make the necessary navigational and control systems for an autonomous ship, and test them in a simulation.

What is the participation fee?

There is no participation fee! Njord - The Autonomous Ship Challenge is by and for the students. We know that students participating are voluntarily using their spare time on the Challenge, and so are the organizers. However, there will be a deposit of $1000, which will be paid back in full if your team delivers a technical report at the end, or withdraws by May 1.

I want to join, but don't know where to start

First of all, go to the 2024 Challenge page and see if we have registered any interested teams from your University. If we have, contact your university and they’ll get you in touch. If not, your university may be able to help you find other interested students!

My team needs financial support, who should I contact?

We expect our teams to finance their operations through sponsorships from the industry or your university, or possibly grants for student organizations. Many companies in the industry are interested in helping these kinds of projects through financial means, providing equipment or know-how. Njord - The Autonomous Ship Challenge does not have the opportunity to provide financial support for the teams.

Is this competition only relevant for engineering students?

No! To organize a successful team, many other disciplines are needed, for instance project management, marketing and finance.

How can I find a suitable workspace for my team?

Again, most engineering departments at universities love when their students participate in practical projects and may be able to assist you with some kind of office/workspace for your team. Don’t be shy and ask them to find out what is possible!

Still have questions? Check out the forum or use the chat-bubble to get in touch!