Former challenges


The Autonomous Ship Challenge 2024

Here you can find an overview of the teams that took on the 2024 Njord Challenge with their respective scorings!
  • Navier USN (NOR) - 160 pts
  • Técnico Solar Boat (POR) - 127 pts
  • AGH Solar Boat Team (POL) - 107 pts
  • StrathVoyager (SCO) - 62 pts
  • Iceberg ASV (CAN) - 42 pts
  • Aritra Oceana (IND) - 41 pts
  • Vortex NTNU (NOR) - 22 pts
From the 15th to the 17th of August, the Njord Autonomous Ship Challenge of 2024 took place in Nyhavna, Trondheim.
We are happy to have hosted our second physical Njord Challenge with 7 participating teams from 3 continents. It was clear that the teams have invested many hours in solving the challenge and we are thoroughly impressed by the results.
It is with pleasure that we can announce that the winner of the Njord Challenge 2024 is team Navier USN from Norway. Técnico Solar Boat from Portugal took second place and third place went to AGH Solar Boat Team from Poland.

In addition to the general classification, we had a few other categories that were judged! Iceberg ASV won "The Team Spirit" award handed out by Njord. StrathVoyager won "The Sportsmanship Award" voted by the participating teams.
We would like to thank the participating teams. Without you guys, the competition would not have been the success it was.
We would also like to thank all mentors, jury and sponsors who have made it possible to host the competition. We have learned and look forward to next year's competition: Njord Challenge 2025.

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